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The Weirdest Book In Pathfinder

When titling this book, we had to find an appropriate phrase, and “gonzo” was the only one that gave us a perfect fit. This book looks at the Pathfinder system as being more malleable in terms of inspiration and tone; that is to say, designers and players can use this book to inject a heavy dose of other genres and aesthetics into what would normally be a traditional (somewhat Tolkien-inspired) fantasy game. That being said, these classes are a bit “out there.”

This Kickstarter funded, extensively playtested, and lovingly put together book is the result of over a year of work. This book represents the weirdest, most out of the box, stuff you can find in Pathfinder.

Not sure? Check out our 40 page preview PDF!


  • A section on improvisational roleplaying and GMing
  • 18 New Base Classes (Architect, Atomic Adept, Battle Butler, Chess Master, Chimney Sweep, Croupier, Davatti, Dynamancer, Guide Henchling, Henshin Hero, Magical Girl, Monster Cowboy, Multiman, Phantom Thief, Sparkle Princess, Thread Maiden, and Ungermaw) 
  • 37 new archetypes 
  • 44 new feats (including combat styles, general, class support, and metamagic) 
  • 5 pieces of adventuring gear (like the metal jaw- because you always wanted to play Jaws from Bond) 
  • 6 new materials 
  • 5 new drugs (including “squee!” And “experience”- this is bat country after all) 
  • 22 insane magic items (including the cans of talking, insanity drive, talky bullets, necklace of best friends, and head pot of adequate trash) 
  • 14 new ways to enchant your weapons 
  • 3 new specific magic armors (including the aptly, if not verbosely, named “Oh Dear Mother of God Why Would Your Do This” Chain) 
  • 28 pages of GIANT ROBOT RULES! Yes! You can play GIANT ROBOTS in Pathfinder now!

  • Page Count: 420 pages (1 cover, 1 credit, 3 OGL, 415 of content)
  • This book includes both a PDF and Print Friendly Version!
  • PDF Version: PDF Optimized & Bookmarked 
  • Print Friendly Version: Black and white, no images. Keeps content on the same page it is in the PDF version so you can cross-reference them.
  • Literally more art than there are pages including dozens of pieces of original art from Naiche Washburn, Miguel Santos, and Megan Stevens!

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Opiniones (1)
Debates (3)
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Shane O July 28, 2021 5:36 pm UTC
Is the Potent Tension magical girl power (page 170) missing some text? As listed, it doesn't provide a benefit, only a drawback.
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Scott G September 04, 2021 4:07 pm UTC
Revised text should read:
Once per round, when a creature with a number of HD equal or greater than ½ her character level fails a saving throw against one of her spells the magical girl may gain an amount of tension equal to 1/4th that creature's HD, up to a maximum of the spell's level.
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Kevin B May 04, 2016 8:13 am UTC
Does anybody know where the preview is?
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Scott G May 04, 2016 8:53 pm UTC
You can get it by clicking the "Quick Preview" or "Full‑size Preview" button under the product image on this page.
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Michael S April 22, 2016 11:12 pm UTC
Will this be offered Print on Demand, possibly as a hardcover option?
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Scott G May 04, 2016 8:53 pm UTC
Eventually, that is the plan.
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Laurent R August 15, 2018 9:58 pm UTC
Pleaaaase !
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File Last Updated:
April 14, 2016
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde April 14, 2016.