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Red Markets Quickstart Guide
Publisher: Hebanon Games
by Victor B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/04/2018 18:33:10

For anyone who bounced off of the core Red Markets book, said, "no way am I going to read a 500 page Zombie Heartbreaker," and kept going, stop. This is the remedy. The three minute Ramones song to Red Markets double album magnum opus. Stripped-down to the bare rules, this will get your group playing the game fast. Pregen characters and a nasty scenario that can serve either as a one-shot or act one of a campaign, this is an excellent gateway to the brilliant Red Markets RPG.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Red Markets Quickstart Guide
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Red Markets: A Game of Economic Horror
Publisher: Hebanon Games
by Victor B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/04/2018 18:11:56

This game is an achievement. Not only is it a fresh take on the zombie apocalypse, but it gives a player-facing system that allows your group a chance to explore a multitude of horrors: the science-mocking blight and the creatures it has unleashed, the cruelties of the desperate cultures of the Loss, the dystopian government of the Recession, and the extremely relatable mundane terror of an empty wallet. Fantastic production values, superb art, and creators that put a chunk of their souls on the page.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Red Markets: A Game of Economic Horror
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