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Modern Day Maps $3.99
Publisher: LPJ Design
by Michael T. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/27/2005 00:00:00

Unlike fantasy settings, where you can be pretty confident that an inn is an inn is an inn, modern maps are a lot more challenging because you actually have to know what some of these places look like. From above. Or else someone (and there?s always someone, we all have this guy) points out how unrealistic the map is.

Modern Day Maps to the rescue! <br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Modern Day Maps includes a lot of useful maps, the kind that put you on the FBI Watch List if you search for floor plans on the web. Need to have a gun battle with terrorists on a passenger jet? Pull out the Airplane map. Monster hiding in a little girl?s closet? Use the1 Bedroom map. Running an assassination attempt against a chief executive officer? You?ll need the Office map.

Probably the most useful are the generic maps, like Warehouse (everything takes place in a warehouse), Back Alley, Church and Class Room. And of course, there?s the Crack House. Because you never know when you?ll need a map of a crack house. With 33 maps to choose from, it?s a great selection of just about everywhere you think you might need a map, and some places you probably don?t but might use anyway. <br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: These maps are not on a grid. To be fair, this is an older product before the proliferation of miniatures, but these days it?s unforgivable. Some of them are also not to scale (these are maps, not battle grids after all), but it diminishes their usefulness as a result. The maps that are basically to miniature scale should have a grid, but it?s not too hard to add one yourself.

There?s also a few instances where an extra detail diminishes the value of the map. The Garage map shows a hammer and a wrench. The small office has a gun on the table. I don?t know about you, but I can guarantee that one of my players would demand to be able to grab whatever weapon he sees drawn on the map and throw a fit when he doesn?t get to use it. I like my maps generic, so I can fill in the details later.

Still, these are really minor quibbles. Overall, this is an excellent series of maps. <br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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